Easy Cocktail Recipes To Try At Home
It's 5 O'clock Somewhere! Time To Mix Up A Delicious Cocktail.? Whether you're at home or out on the town, it's time to whip up a delicious cocktail! A cocktail I made myself from apple, orange, pineapple, ginger, carrot, and turmeric was the best cocktail I've ever had. If you don't own a juicer, you can use a blender. You will need a professional blender for smoothies, a napkin or nut milk bag, and a bowl. Here are our easy cocktail recipes to get you started: Mojito Cocktail Recipe The mojito cocktail is a refreshing and easy to make drink that is perfect for any occasion. The recipe is very simple and only requires a few ingredients. Most importantly, the mojito is perfect for summertime because it is made with lime juice. Ingredients: 3/4 oz. lime juice 1/2 oz. sugar Instructions: 1. Add all of the ingredients to a blender filled with ice and blend well. 2. Strain the mixture into a glass and enjoy. Fin Tom Collins Cocktail Recipe Tom Collins is a classic ...